Podcast episode from packolution: Ansgar Schonlau talks about our holistic approach!

Due to the global debate on sustainability, the transformation of our economic system and society is crucial.
Circular economy is key to reach this objective and all stakeholders of the value chain need to take part.
We at Maag are fully convinced to have set milestones for ourselves and our business partners; initially forced by economic needs, later on with full mindset and an
ambitious strategy. Our sustainability and resource-saving approach is based on an overall concept.
It is not restricted on implementation of recyclable packaging.
All corporate actions, products, production and processes within the supply chain must cover the requirement for sustainability and resource conservation. After fulfilling this task, economic as well as
ecological success will become highly probable.
We are a climate-neutral company and do offer circular packaging.
In the following podcast episode "Packolution" from Watttron, Ansgar Schonlau describes the transformation to a climate neutral and sustainable company and also addresses issues such as greenwashing and more.

Definitely listen!



Über den Autor


Maag-Geschäftsführer Ansgar Schonlau ist Diplom-Wirtschaftsingenieur und hat langjährige Erfahrung in der Druck- und Verpackungsindustrie mit dem Schwerpunkt auf Flexible Verpackungen.  Er ist engagierter Verfechter der Supply-Chain-Optimierung zur Vermeidung aller Arten von Verschwendung, hat in seinem Unternehmen schon früh Lean Management eingeführt und setzt sich für die Kreislaufwirtschaft von Folienverpackungen ein.